Chapter Three - Criminal Activity
Due to the the sensitive content of this portion of the trip, Chapter 3 will be available on a per request basis only. If you are interested in reading it, please post a comment with your email address, or email me at If I approve of you, I will email Chapter 3 directly to you free of charge. If I do not approve of you, I will deny your request. If you are denied, you will have one chance to write me an email containing a 200 word essay on why you are worthy of reading this account. If you are accepted at this point, I will send you the chapter, but you will be fined for your unworthiness the first time around. If you are denied a second time, you might as well admit it, you are simply not good enough. Sorry.
no, really, I do want you all to read this! I just don't feel confident about the wisdom of posting it on the web. So please do email me. Thanks.